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Report: Black Folks Could Make Up Almost 80K Of Employees Out of Work After February Job Cuts, Primarily In Government Sector

Report: Black Folks Could Make Up Almost 80K Of Employees Out of Work After February Job Cuts, Primarily In Government Sector Black workers overrepresented in the public sector are more vulnerable to job losses.
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Confirmation: ADP National Employment Report

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Youth, Peace, and Security Workshop: Why Youth Leadership Matters More Than Ever. Rayen Oueslati, Skidmore College.

On February 8, 2025, the Youth, Peace, and Security Workshop brought together students, scholars, policymakers, and peace practitioners for a full day of conversations about the role of young people in shaping global peace efforts. Led by Saji Prelis, the workshop explored how youth can take an active role in decision-making and policy development at a time when conflicts are becoming more complex and intergenerational trust is eroding. One of the biggest takeaways from the discussions was the urgency of moving beyond symbolic youth involvement. With more than half of the world’s population under 30, young people are not just stakeholders in peacebuilding but essential partners. The workshop highlighted real-world examples of youth-led initiatives and explored the barriers that often keep young leaders from fully participating in policy spaces. Participants examined how institutions can move past reactive approaches and instead create structured opportunities for youth to lead alongsi...